
by Likarion Wainaina


Original TitleSupamodo
DirectorLikarion Wainaina
Cast Stycie Waweru, Nyawara Ndambia, Johnson Gitau Chege
Duration74 min
CountryGermany / Kenya

About the director

A Kenyan Filmmaker born in Moscow, Russia, lives and works in Nairobi, Kenya. Likarion started making films before branching to Theatre as an Actor.He became a member of the Phoenix Players,Nairobi Kenya, from 2007 and later worked as a theater Director all the while working in the film industry as a Gaffer,Cinematographer then Director. In this time he has gathered a wealth of experience and showcased his talents in various productions. As a cinematographer he has also worked on a number of documentaries and commercials and has directed TV shows – both Drama and Sitcoms – that are currently gracing local TV stations in Kenya and Television commercials as well. He has done a number of short films, His film ‚Between the Lines‘, being one of his first short films, later became the first Kenyan Film to be projected on an IMAX screen in Kenya and got him a nomination at the AMCVA awards 2015 for „Best New Online Media“. And his other works have gained him multiple nominations and awards. His most recent Short Film endeavor was taking part at the 48Hour Film Festival 2015 where he and his team worked on the film Bait. It won several awards including Best Director, Audience Choice awards and Judges Choice awards. The film later was selected as one of the top short films screened at the Cannes Film Festival (2016).


Jo liebt Superhelden und träumt davon, selbst eine Superheldin zu sein. Die fantastische Vorstellung, Superkräfte zu haben und fliegen zu können, erleichtert ihr, mit ihrer Krankheit umzugehen. Als sie von ihrer Mutter zum Sterben aus der Klinik nach Hause geholt wird, setzt Jos große Schwester alles daran, Jo ihren Traum zu erfüllen. Das ganze Dorf tut sich zusammen, um – mit Jo in der Hauptrolle – einen Film über eine Superheldin zu drehen. Eine berührende Geschichte aus Afrika über die Macht der Fantasie und eine ungewöhnliche Art, Abschied zu nehmen.

Internationales Kinderfilmfestival Wien 2018
PUBLIKUMSPREIS Cinetopia Festival
ECFA-PREIS Kinderfilmfestival Kristiansand

Für Eltern, die den Film gemeinsam mit ihren Kindern ansehen möchten, hat das Kinderfilmfestival ein Filmheft zusammengestellt – hier gehts zum kostenlosen Download


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